JW Shinyak has the state-of-the-art based technology of
" DC vacuum technology ", " CTP "
Introduce research pipeline
under development by JW Shinyak
We support better medical
services with advanced
medical technology
Efficacy : Treatment for male pattern hair loss and female hair loss
Efficacy : Treatment for male pattern hair loss (androgen alopecia) in adult males (18 to 41 years old)
Efficacy : Secondary symptoms and denaturement or degenerative spiritual syndrome due to brain vessel defects : direction sensory disorders due to memory loss and faultfulness, morale and spontaneous degradation, loss of concentration and concentration.
Efficacy : Endocrinology disorder : Corrosive and intersperopical cortex failure is the primary choice, especially in the presence of a photocorterosis or corticidosis, if necessary.
Efficacy : The heptococococus, Pneumonia corescus, Streptoccoccus Pigengenes, Listeria Monothito Zenith, The streptoccocous apalachite (group B), Streptoccoccus Viridans, Influenza germs. Parainfluenza, Moruc Shelacathaniris, Regionella Neumopole, Bordetella whooping cough, Factory campellobox, Helicobacter pylori, Impaction, Animal pasturella pathogen, Miko plasma, pneumonia. Clamidia Tracomatis, Clostridium Perfringens, Peptococcusternail, Propionibuterium atone, Pacteroides Melanie Nogenicus, Micobacterium Abium, Micobacterium intrasella Lula
JW Shinyak is making a new leap for healthy tomorrow of humankind.
LEARN MOREWe introduce JW Shinyak’s Philosophy and goals for higher leaps and challenges.
LEARN MOREJW Shinyak create a healthy world for both body and mind.